One of the most common questions we get asked by sellers is “how many buyers do you have on your
books for a property like mine?” Some people get too fixated on this question when deciding
which estate agent to select.
Here’s the thing: IT DOESN’T MATTER
In reality, although an agent may have a register of potential buyers, the chances are the best buyer
for a property will be someone new, who sees it advertised.
Therefore a more relevant and important question would be “how are you going to present and market
my property to ATTRACT the buyers who aren’t on your books?”
We say this because for every one potential buyer an estate agent has on their books, there are at
least 10 who aren’t.
Sometimes the buyer hasn't even notified the estate agencies in an area to register their details,
instead they see it pop up in a Facebook campaign, on Rightmove, Zoopla or even in our
Its the sellers who really need the estate agent and that estate agent should be in tune with the way
buyers now search and adapt their approach accordingly by using, to name a few, professional
photography, premium marketing on all the property portals, respond to emailed enquiries within 1
hour, not 1 day etc etc.
So, don’t worry about how many buyers they have on their books… picture yourself as a buyer and
think about what you would want to see and hear!